Hello everybody! I missed blogging! I've been a bit busy lately so I havent had the time to bake or blog that much. Sorry loves! Anyways, I'm back now and I have a few things to share with you..
Firstly, I know I said that I was going to post something about croissants. But like I said, I've been quite busy so I'll try making that another time ok. Anyways, I attended a franchise seminar just recently. That was a really great experience. I met great people, learned a lot and had tons of fun! Towards the end of the 2 week seminar, I decided to bake a bit for my friends since one of them had asked to try my cupcake. I brought it over to the hotel and the 7 of us sat down at the hotel cafe munching the cupcakes while chit chatting. It was great. Click Click!
mmmm~~ Vanilla all the way!
I love the chewy bits on top =)
Say hi to Kak Suzi!
Other than that, yesterday was my friend's birthday. So naturally, his girlfriend asked me to bake some cupcakes for his surprise birthday party (not really party la, more of a get together). This is one of my favorite projects because it had a more personal touch to it. Happy birthday Shapiq!
Details that only close friends would understand =)
(note: smiley face has a mole just like his girlfriend does)
The sink with mirror is yet another insider joke. hihi.
That's all for now. But be sure to come back and check out more updates! Have a nice day everybody!